Terra State Community College receives $600,000 to renovate recreation center

The gift comes from Frederick W. Recktenwald in memory of his late wife, Elaine Denman Recktenwald.

Terra State Community College has received the second-largest financial donation it has ever received. Frederick W. Recktenwald gifted the school $600,000 in the name of his wife Elaine Denman Recktenwald, who was Professor Emerita at Terra State Community College. She passed away in 2021.

According to an article on Terra State Community College’s website, Recktenwald was quoted on his decision to make the gift in honor of his late wife, saying, “I’m pleased to make this gift in honor of Elaine and her 50-year dedication as a professor, fundraiser, and ambassador to Terra State Community College. Elaine and I established an endowed scholarship in the Terra College Foundation many years ago to help students and I want to build on that investment to honor her. I appreciate the effort given toward making my request come to fruition by President Ronald Schumacher, Chair of the Terra College Foundation Board Tom Hoffman, and CEO of the Terra College Foundation Jennifer Fehnrich. They spent many hours working with me to ensure my wishes were fulfilled.”

The donation to make improvements to the Student Activity Center also gives Recktenwald the right to name the facility, which will now be called the Elaine Denman Recktenwald Activities Center. The donation will allow for improvements such as replacing the floor, storage space expansions, a new covered entryway, and a new fitness area with equipment. The activities center is often utilized by students and the campus community, as well as the area community being welcomed to take advantage of the facilities and its amenities.

Professor Emerita Elaine Denman Recktenwald was one of the very first full time faculty members at Terra State Community College. She taught courses in communications and speech until her retirement in 2007. Fred Recktenwald was also a member of the Terra State Community College community, having been a member of the Terra College Foundation Board with his wife. He also spent five years on the Terra State Community College Board of Trustees. The couple established the Denman-Recktenwald Endowed Scholarship in 2004.

Jennifer Fehnrich, who serves as the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and CEO of the Terra College Foundation, said of the gift, “We are grateful to accept Fred Recktenwald’s generous investment of $600,000 in the futures of Terra State students and the community. Listening to Fred talk about Elaine and understanding the level of devotion she gave to Terra State and the success of her students was incredibly inspiring. We are proud to provide naming rights and dedicate this facility to Elaine Denman Recktenwald.”

Ronald M. Schumacher, the president of Terra State Community College, echoed these sentiments, saying, “This generous gift will ensure Professor Emerita Elaine Denman Recktenwald’s legacy at Terra State Community College and will be felt by students for many generations. We are deeply honored that Fred has chosen to honor Elaine through a gift to Terra State benefiting students and the greater community for many years to come.”

More information about Terra State Community College can be found at the school’s website.

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