Hiram College’s library awarded grant from Institute of Museum and Library Services

The grant is a Library Services and Technology Act Competitive Grant that focuses on literacy. Hiram College will use the funding to create digital literacy instruction.

Hiram College's library is the recipient of a Library Services and Technology Act grant awarded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The grant, which totals $50,000, will be put to use to create new digital literacy instruction tools and spaces.

According to an article on Hiram College’s website, Janet Vogel, who serves as the director of the library at Hiram College, was quoted as saying of the intentions for the funding, “Librarians at the Hiram College Library identified research that showed that students who use their library are more likely to remain in school and receive higher grades. As we thought about what that meant for our students, we realized that we could leverage the popularity of the library to offer additional opportunities for information and digital literacy sessions.”

The funding will go toward purchasing new furniture and technology like sound systems and monitors to create meeting and learning spaces that will allow for digital literacy instruction and community events. 

Along the theme of digital literacy, the library will be hosting some events in the coming months: “What Should I Read Next? Using AI and other tools to find your next great read!” and “ChatGPT vs. ChatLibrarian: Why Librarians are Still a Valuable Resource.” Both events are free and available to the public, either in person or via Zoom.

Vogel added, “We are also partnering with offices on campus such as Career & Community Engagement, to offer special programs, such as one about workplace and job-seeking literacy. Our research found that college students often lack workplace literacy skills, so we are excited to be able to work with them to identify ways to help Hiram College students thrive in their careers.” 

For more information about Hiram College, visit the school’s website.

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