Lilly Endowment Inc awards grant to Huntington University for Science of Reading Research

The money from Lilly Endowment Inc will be used to support reading education for students in Indiana in part by expanding teacher preparedness.

Lilly Endowment Inc. has awarded a half-million dollar grant to Huntington University through its Advancing the Science of Reading in Indiana initiative. The funds from the grant will support Huntington University’s current efforts of data-informed literacy instruction by expanding and improving the use of evidence-based education methods as part of the Science of Reading in Huntington’s teacher preparation program.

Along with Huntington, 27 other colleges and universities in Indiana have received grants from Lilly Endowment for the purpose of advancing the Science of Reading aligned principles into preparation programs for teachers.

In an article posted on Huntington University’s website, assistant professor of education Holly Ehle talked about the Science of Reading efforts, saying, "I believe that empowering teachers with knowledge is the key to helping students succeed in reading. The Science of Reading has demystified the process of how children physiologically learn to read and offers evidence backed by science to confirm that there are specific methodologies that more effectively teach students to read and write. At Huntington University, we seek to teach these important facts and findings to our preservice educators so that they are equipped to go out into Indiana classrooms and effectively teach all students to become proficient readers."

With these funds, Huntington University will be able to train a number of teachers in methodologies developed with Science of Reading principles in mind. Teacher candidates will be presented with support in this education by a designated faculty member who is familiar with Reading Science, a new material resource and teacher training center in the school’s Department of Education for clinical educators, teacher candidates, and more. The school’s Science of Reading curriculum will be subject to several regular evaluations to make sure that it is operating as best as it can, with changes being made as it continues to be used to educate more and more teachers. 

Luke Fetters, EdD, vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty at Huntington University, was also quoted about this grant, saying, “This generous funding from Lilly Endowment will further equip Huntington University to fulfill our ongoing commitment to prepare pre-service teacher educators with proven, data-driven Science of Reading strategies .As part of this project, Huntington University will also come alongside area school systems to offer continuing education and other Science of Reading resources that align with statewide initiatives.”

The participating Science of Reading specialists will not only work with Huntington students, but also the school’s faculty, Indiana Department of Education support organizations, regional school districts, local educators, and national Science of Reading experts to provide communication and synergy between these groups. Creating these connections will allow for an easier flow of resources, and keep everyone up to date on best practices as determined by all available evidence. 

Lilly Endowment’s vice president for education Ted Maple was quoted on the importance of literacy, saying, “It is imperative that more of Indiana’s elementary students learn to read proficiently, and it is essential that current teachers and the next generation of teachers are prepared to use proven principles to teach reading in their classrooms. We are pleased therefore to help Indiana colleges and universities strengthen the use of these research-based principles to teach reading in their teacher preparation programs.”

The Advancing the Science of Reading in Indiana initiative was started by Lilly Endowment inc. back in 2022. It works in concert with an effort taken statewide that same year by the Indiana Department of Education to improve reading levels in schools by helping teachers use Science of Reading based principles in their lesson plans. Lilly Endowment made a $60 million grant to Indiana’s Department of Education that year, and has been a partner since.

More information about Lilly Endowment Inc. can be found at the organization’s website.

More information about Huntington University can be found at the school’s website.

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