Sinclair Community College continues to offer COVID-19 relief funding and services to students into the new year

Administrators at SCC have announced that students enrolling for the spring term will be able to apply for special funding, scholarships, and mental health services as a part of the college's COVID-19 pandemic response.

Late last year, the Board of Trustees at Sinclair Community College approved $500,000 in additional scholarship funding for students who are struggling due to the pandemic. Separately, it was also announced that counseling services would now be available to students 24 hours a day. Both moves by the college are in response to ongoing hardships experienced by students, many of whom have lost income due to pandemic restrictions and many of whom have expressed concerns over their mental health.

Senior Vice President of Student Development Dr. Scott Markland at Sinclair Community College acknowledged the needs of students in a release from the college, "The global pandemic has presented multiple challenges for students, but Sinclair College is hoping to ease the burden of paying for quality education by offering this special financial relief." He went on to say that admissions staff is ready and waiting to assist students with financial aid, doing their best to ensure students are staying on track to graduation.

In addition to addressing the financial needs of students, Sinclair Community College has also stepped up its commitment to the mental health of its students. The additional services have been made possible through a variety of federal and state funding. In a recent survey, 34% of SCC students reported that they have concerns about their mental health. In response, Sinclair Community College has announced expanded availability of mental health services to include 24/7 counseling services. In a release about the expanded services, Alicia Schroeder, Director of Student Affairs said, "The COVID-19 pandemic has presented enormous challenges for students as they struggle to balance work, school, and home life. Dedicated counselors can now assist with defining goals and action steps for academic and personal success at any time to ensure our students get the help they need." Students can reach the counseling center at Sinclair Community College by calling 937-512-3032 where they can choose to speak to someone over the phone or schedule an appointment.

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