Culinary Arts students from Hocking College took a tour of Italy

A culinary adventure awaited Hocking College students as they took a trip to cities in Northern Italy with Chef Enzo.

In June, a group of Culinary Arts students from Hocking College had the opportunity to take an excursion to Italy. Chef Enzo, who is the school’s Certified Master Chef, took the students on the trip along with Heather Campbell.

According to an article on Hocking College’s website, Chef Enzo said of the opportunity, "The trip to Italy was an unforgettable experience for all of us. Not only did they expand their culinary horizons, but they also gained a deep appreciation for the cultural significance of food in Italy. It's something they will carry with them throughout their culinary careers."

The students were able to explore the cities of Parma and Asti. They got to check out vineyards, sites of historical significance, and restaurants and food production centers. In addition to cooking in Italian kitchens, students got to see Vatican City, the Colosseum, and David, the sculpture by Michaelangelo.

Sophia Atherton, a student who attended the trip, said, "This trip was a true eye-opener for me. Experiencing the authentic tastes of Italy and learning from local chefs has inspired me to bring these flavors and techniques back home and incorporate them into my own culinary creations."

While the trip was through the Culinary Arts program and was intended to help students gain a new cultural perspective for their cooking, the students gained so much more than just new cooking techniques.

The Culinary Arts program at Hocking College offers many similar opportunities to its students. For more information about the Culinary Arts program, visit the program’s page. 

For more information about Hocking College, visit the school’s website.

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