Revised academic assistance program at Schoolcraft College helps connect students with resources

A new Early Action program is now in place at Schoolcraft College, though the program did exist under a different name previously. The program helps students find resources to succeed academically.

Schoolcraft College has introduced a new, more student-facing version of a previous academic assistance program. The new program is called Early Action, and it calls on instructors to identify students who may need additional resources. Those students are then referred to Learning Support Services, including Academic Support Coaches.

In an article on Schoolcraft College’s website, Travis Michalak, an Academic Support Coach, discusses this newly revised program, saying, “We want to make sure students understand the steps Schoolcraft College takes to assist them as they navigate through each semester. Our students are our No. 1 priority and we want to help them in any way we can.”

The Early Action program is in place to benefit any student who may need additional academic resources, whether they are facing challenges or are doing well and just need a little extra help. Among the resources available to students through Early Action and Learning Support Services are one-on-one mentorships and meetings with Academic Support Coaches, campus tutoring, in-person and online writing support, workshops, and various events throughout the semester.

Sharon Christian, who serves as the Associate Dean of Student Success and Retention at Schoolcraft College, explains exactly who and how the Early Action program can help, saying, “For many, college can be a new and challenging endeavor. Early Action serves as a proactive approach to help students complete their academics with excellence, whether they’re already doing great or need the additional support. With Early Action our team can connect students with campus-wide resources at the right time. Through this initiative, students can reach out to us directly as well. This approach empowers our students to proactively take ownership of their own academics. Essentially, through Early Action, our team aims to partner with students to help them reach their goals.”

Michalak wants students to know they always have someone in their corner as they navigate through their college education: “It is also important for students to know all the free resources available as they work through challenges during the semester,” he said.

For more information about all Schoolcraft College’s Learning Support Services has to offer, visit its website. For more information about Schoolcraft College in general, check out the school’s website.

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