Miami Valley Career Technology Center one of 12 schools added to Ohio’s Microcredential Assistance Program

Twelve more schools were added to Ohio’s Microcredential Assistance Program that started in 2021 with the aim of helping the state retain and grow talent.

The Miami Valley Career Technology Center is one of a dozen training facilities that has been awarded part of a total of $2.58 million by the state of Ohio as part of an effort to help retain low-income, unemployed, or partially unemployed residents in technology-centered programs.

The addition of MVCT and the 11 other providers is part of an already existing program that is expanding called the Individual Microcredential Assistance Program that began two years ago. A dozen other programs have been part of the initiative since its inception.

The microcredential programs that are available include basics in several coding languages, basic machining, advanced robotic programming, and advanced manufacturing systems. The classes are recognized by their respective industries and are short term. Some can even be completed totally online.

The Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation is behind the Microcredential Assistance Program. A microcredential is a short program that will allow someone to get a certification in a skill. They have become more and more possible in recent times, and both Clark State College and the University of Dayton have similar programs.

Many career paths still require a bachelor’s degree from college, but in other fields of work, workers can move from one industry to a different one with smaller and more targeted programs.

Lt. Governor Jon Husted was quoted by the Dayton Daily News as saying, “We continue to see a growing number of Ohioans find rewarding careers as a result of earning new tech skills through IMAP. In many cases, credentials rather than degrees are what employers are looking for when making hiring decisions — credentials are the currency of the modern economy.”

Miami University, the University of Cincinnati, and Ohio University have been part of the program since the beginning. 

Randy Gardner, Chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education, spoke highly of the program, saying, “This program is another example of the all-of-the-above approach that Ohio takes to educating our students and making our workforce even stronger. Our colleges, universities, and career technical centers are among the many partners in this collaborative effort.”

Miami Valley Career Technology Center will be reimbursed as much as $3,000 for each student who earns a technology-based credential. 

We Can Code It, LLC, Washington County Career Center, Pickaway-Ross County JVSD, Ohio Valley Construction Education Foundation, National Center for Urban Solutions, Inc., My Career IT, LLC, Hocking College, Goodwill Industries of Central Ohio, Inc., Global Lynx, Inc., Gallia-Jackson-Vinton JVSD (Buckeye Hills Career Center), and Ashland University were also recently selected to be part of the program.

Ohio residents who are interested in the Microcredential Assistance Program can visit the program’s website.

More information about Miami Valley Career Technology Center can be found on the school's website.

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