Delta College joins Climate Action Pursuit, an initiative focused on collaborative learning to address climate change

Climate Action Pursuit by Second Nature is a year-long program that encourages faculty and staff to participate in mini conferences to learn about climate issues and bring what they have learned back to campus to shape sustainability practices.

Sustainability is already a part of the campus culture at Delta College, but administrators want to expand campus efforts to operate with a greater level of environmental consciousness and accountability. With that philosophy in mind, Delta College signed up to be a host institution in the Climate Action Pursuit program, organized by Second Nature. Second Nature is an organization that aims to increase climate action through higher education in a collaborative setting.

Delta College recently published a news release announcing its participation, detailing the features of the Climate Action Pursuit program. The year-long program consists of quarterly mini conferences where representatives from the college will engage in informational sessions and listen to guest speakers. Sessions will address student leadership, racial justice, knowledge, policy, and community. Wendy Harness, facilities management and sustainability coordinator at Delta College, spoke about the objectives, "The goal is for people to bring back what they've learned to their college. It's all about learning from each other, sharing ideas and facilitating important conversations about sustainability and climate action."

Representatives from a variety of departments at Delta College are participating and Delta College President Dr. Jean Goodnow is eager to hear what they learn, "I'm very pleased to see this talented group of individuals dedicate their time to learning about our climate crisis, and I look forward to learning and planning alongside them."

Participation in Climate Action Pursuit is just one aspect to Delta College's sustainability efforts. Delta was recognized as one of the top ten performers in the category of associate colleges by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education in the 2020 Sustainable Campus Index.

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