Indiana University Kokomo receives grant from Council for Opportunity in Education and FirstGen Forward for first-generation student celebration

The grant will fund what is expected to be the school’s “biggest celebration ever,” the First-Generation College Celebration.

Indiana University Kokomo has received a grant from the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE), FirstGen Forward, TIAA, and the Strada Education Foundation for its 2024 First-Generation College Celebration initiative. The First-Generation College Celebration is held annually in November, and the school is expecting to make this year’s celebration the largest yet, thanks to the grant it has received.

According to an article on Indiana University Kokomo’s website, Andréa Halpin, who serves as the dean of students and is a first-generation college graduate herself, shared her enthusiasm for the upcoming event. She is quoted as saying, “This year we hope to do a larger celebration with food, and continue to host a panel discussion, and include staff, faculty, some current first-generation students, and alumni. I appreciate that partnership where we can bring in different perspectives on what it means to be a first-generation college student.” As for the importance of the celebration, she said, “It’s important to celebrate their existence on campus, their persistence in hurdling and navigating barriers, and that they belong here.”

Indiana University Kokomo says that approximately one-third of its student population is first-generation college students. The university seeks to help this population succeed through its many initiatives aimed at providing them with resources. Such resources include the Groups Scholars program, success coaches, and faculty and staff mentors, who, statistically, almost mirror the student population with 33% of them having been first-generation college students themselves.

Through grant funding, the mentorship program is going to expand. Halpin said, “It will allow us to make it even larger and involve more people who would appreciate having a mentor in their life. We will be able to provide giveaways and other tools for our mentors to be able to serve successfully.”

Kimberly Jones, the president of the COE, said, “First-generation college students bring unique perspectives and resilience to our campuses. This grant empowers institutions like IU Kokomo to continue providing the necessary resources and support for these students to thrive.”

The First-Generation College Celebration is held annually across the nation and brings together the first-generation population with support and recognition through performances, panels, and rallies.

For more information about Indiana University Kokomo, visit the school’s website.

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