Northern Kentucky University receives grant to implement African Business Collaborative program

The grant was awarded through the United States Department of State Diversify Education Abroad for US Students (IDEAS) program and totals $35,000.

Northern Kentucky University is one of 37 colleges and universities to have received a Diversify Education Abroad for US Students grant via the United States Department of State. The grant totals $35,000 and Northern Kentucky University will be utilizing the grant funding to implement a program it calls the African Business Collaborative.

According to an article on Northern Kentucky University’s website, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Dr. Dekuwmini Mornah explained the African Business Collaborative, saying, “The African Business Collaborative will allow students to gain cross-cultural communication skills and real-world consulting experience while working on projects for the participating businesses. Through this program, NKU will contribute to creating a more globally prepared workforce with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the international marketplace.”

The African Business Collaborative involves a partnership with Ghana’s Academic City University, wherein Northern Kentucky University students will be able to experience learning opportunities, both virtual and in-person, to work alongside collaborators across the world and across cultures.

The IDEAS grant intends to give American students more opportunities to study abroad. Heidi Manley, who serves as the Chief of USA Study Abroad, said, “The U.S. Department of State is proud to support these U.S. colleges and universities as they build capacity for more American students to study abroad in diverse locations around the world. Increasing the number of U.S. students with international experiences is part of our investment in ensuring that our country’s future leaders have the skills they need in fields ranging from global health to technology and innovation.”

For more information about Northern Kentucky University, visit the school’s website.

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