Central Michigan University alumni donate $2 million in support of athletics and College of Business Administration

Tim and Sherry Magnusson attended Central Michigan University together and have been benefactors of the university, as well as supporters and volunteers, ever since.

Tim and Sherry Magnusson, both Central Michigan University graduates, have added on to their tally of generous gifts and donations to the school by giving $2 million in support of the university’s athletics and its College of Business Administration.

According to an article on Central Michigan University’s website, Bob Davies, who is CMU’s president, was quoted as saying of the couple’s continued generosity to the university, "The Magnussons have deep roots in CMU and this generous gift is a testament to their commitment to helping students succeed in their academic journeys and beyond.”

Tim and Sherry met in their hometown in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and then decided to go to Central Michigan University together. The two married and then graduated in 1994. Tim studied business and German, going on to work in finance, and Sherry studied marketing and business administration before working in human resources.

Over the years, the two have supported their alma mater in numerous ways. They have donated money in order to establish the Magnusson CBA Study Abroad Award, the Magnusson Internship Fund, and the Magnusson Endowed Professorship. They have also given significant gifts to the Maroon & Gold BOLD fundraising campaign in support of the university’s athletics, and have a room on campus named in their honor. In addition to their financial support, the two are involved on campus. Tim is on the College of Business Administration Dean’s Advisory Board and Tim and Sherry both are often seen lending a hand by volunteering at various events.

Another way Tim shows his support to his alma mater is by regularly employing Central Michigan University graduates and interns at his business, Garda Capital. He said of the individuals he works with who have ties to the university, “CMU students and alumni I hire outhustle and outwork everyone.”

Of their most recent $2 million donation, Jennifer Cotter, who serves as the school’s vice president for advancement, said, “Tim and Sherry have such passion for helping CMU students and have creatively used their gifts to benefit areas close to their hearts.”

A portion of their donation will go toward supporting the finance programs in the College of Business Administration. 

“Tim and Sherry have ensured the next decade of finance students will have access to experiential learning opportunities, which we are truly grateful for. These experiences set CMU, our students and alumni apart, helping them develop as professionals and future leaders in their organizations and communities,” said Chris Moberg, dean of the College of Business Administration.

Another portion of their gift will go toward supporting the school’s athletes. “It isn’t easy to be a D1 student-athlete and we want to see student-athletes succeed. We’re grateful to play a small part in ensuring they have a positive experience at CMU and end up with a degree,” said Sherry.

The Magnussons have shown their support to Central Michigan University in so many ways, including, according to Sherry, their constant positive remarks about the school: “CMU was perfect for us for so many reasons. We tell everyone we know about the university and feel like we’re part of the recruiting staff,” she said.

For more information about Central Michigan University, visit the school’s website.

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