Local radio personality finds new career path after chance interview with Lorain County Community College professor

Matt Douglass from radio station WEOL AM 930 interviewed LCCC's Johnny Vanderford about the Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems program. The program piqued Douglass' interest and he has now graduated and started his new career.

February 18, 2021
App developed at Lakeland Community College adopted by over a dozen other colleges and universities

"Reach Out," an app intended to promote mental health among students, has been customized for use by 13 additional colleges and universities. Usage rates are growing suggesting an increased need for mental health services for students coping with the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 17, 2021
Hondros College of Nursing announces new Akron Campus

The new location of Hondros College of Nursing will be home to a Practical Nursing program and add to Hondros' six other colleges across Ohio and Indiana.

February 17, 2021
Columbus State Community College selected to participate in year-long initiative to improve racial equity

The Racial Equity Leadership Academy will engage CSCC leadership in the exploration of tools to break down institutional barriers for students from racial minority groups.

February 17, 2021
Faculty members at Clark State Community College selected to participate in training program aimed at improving online teaching strategies

In collaboration with the Ohio Association of Community Colleges and the Association of College and University Educators, a group of Clark State professors will participate in a 25-week course to learn about evidence-based teaching strategies to improve online instruction and close common gaps in equity.

February 16, 2021
Clark State Community College faculty member awarded the Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Recognition

Scott Dawson, associate professor of graphic design at CSCC, was selected to receive the 2021 Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Recognition from the American Association of Community Colleges for making a difference in the classroom.

February 16, 2021
Nursing students from Choffin Career and Technical Center helping to vaccinate area teachers against COVID-19

In early February 2021, a vaccine clinic was held in the gymnasium of Chaney High School and around 30 nursing students participated in the event aimed at providing the vaccine to area educators.

February 15, 2021
Bryant & Stratton College seeks to permission to convert to a nonprofit institution

The owner of Bryant & Stratton is seeking to donate the college to the family-run Prentice Family Foundation and will continue the for-profit business under the name of Prentice Realty Inc. The Department of Education still has to approve the change.

February 13, 2021
Entrepreneurship Center at Washtenaw Community College is helping local business owners adapt to the challenges brought about by COVID-19

A program called "Renew Your Business" is providing training, mentorship, and grant money to a group of 15 small business owners in Ypsilanti with the help of local government and an area nonprofit organization.

February 12, 2021
St. Clair County Community College selected by Challenger Center as the location of a new, high-tech learning center focused on STEM

A new Challenger Learning Center on the campus of St. Clair County Community College will provide STEM educational resources to higher education students and community members. Administrators are hopeful that the new facility will encourage more students to pursue degrees and careers in STEM fields.

February 11, 2021

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