Henderson Community College

Henderson Community College logo

Average Annual Cost

The average annual net price that a student who receives federal financial aid pays to cover expenses (e.g. tuition, living expenses, etc.) to attend the school's largest program. Net price is the program's cost of attendance minus any grants and scholarships received. For public schools, this is only the average cost for in-state students. Negative cost values indicate that the average grant/scholarship aid exceeded the cost of attendance.

Est. Student Population

Healthcare Programs

About Henderson Community College

Henderson Community College is one of 16 individual colleges which together comprise the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. Originally established as an extension of the University of Kentucky in 1960, HCC services the Kentucky counties of Henderson, Union, and Webster.

Henderson Community College offers the following healthcare-related courses:

Medical Assisting

Henderson Community College's Medical Assistant program prepares you to become a key member of a health care team who works in the administrative office, examining room, and laboratory. You are a vital liaison between doctor and patient and play an important role in diagnosis and treatment.

Nursing Assistant

The Nursing Assistant Program prepares a student to assume the role and responsibility that is required for a State Registered Nursing Assistant role within the state of Kentucky. This course meets the KY Medicaid training requirements. The student will gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide assistance to a nurse in providing basic care to clients in various healthcare settings.

Recent news about Henderson Community College

New Care Center at Henderson Community College supports students through difficult times

Henderson Community College opened the HCC Care Center in April, providing an array of services to students to help with challenges that may interfere with academic success.

April 26, 2021
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