School of Dentistry Dean at University of Detroit Mercy awarded prestigious honor

The 2021 Gies Award for Vision will go to Mert Asku, Dean of the School of Dentistry and Detroit Mercy. The prestigious award recognizes Asku's work with students, faculty, and the community.

Mert N Asku has been recognized for his leadership at University of Detroit Mercy as a professor and Dean of the School of Dentistry. Asku was recently named a recipient of the 2021 American Dental Education Association's (ADEA) Gies Award for Vision - Dental Educator. Asku was nominated because of his unconventional but effective approach to dental education and for his positive impact on patients, students, and faculty. Asku has been with University of Detroit Mercy for nearly thirty years, holding a variety of positions along the way.

The William J. Gies Awards are recognized as the most prestigious awards in dental education and oral health. They were established by the ADEA to recognize exceptional efforts of institutions, organizations, and individuals that set the high bar for innovation, achievement, and vision in dental education. When the ADEA announced that Asku was to be the recipient of the Gies Award for Vision at the upcoming virtual conference in March 2021, his work to ensure the safety of patients and staff were cited. In particular, as Dean, Asku helped to invent an aerosol mitigation system (FDA approved with a patent pending) that has been placed nearly 900 units at stations in the dental clinic at UDM and helps to reduce the amount of aerosolized particles in the air, thereby reducing the risk of virus transmission.

Asku Joined University of Detroit Mercy in 1993, starting as a professor then moving his way through the department until being named Dean in 2008. As Dean, Asku has demonstrated a commitment to helping students and faculty develop both strong clinical expertise and leadership skills. During his tenure as Dean, the dental program at UDM has launched new clinical models as well as educational delivery and skills assessment models while also focusing on community outreach. In a release from the university, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Pamela Zarkowski (the 2017 Gies Award for Vision recipient) says of Asku, "Throughout his career, Dean Aksu has addressed challenges in a creative and forward-looking manner. This award demonstrates that his peers recognize his passion for and dedication to Detroit Mercy Dental's students, employees, colleagues and the patients they serve. I am grateful for his leadership and contributions to the School and University."

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