Lansing Community College's RISE Institute earns Equity in Education Award

The Equity in Education Award recognizes the RISE Institute for its work in creating a more inclusive campus for students by engaging faculty in a rigorous program based on research and collaboration.

As the recipient of the 2020 Equity in Education Award, Lansing Community College is being recognized for the RISE Institute (Reframing Inclusion through Scholarship and Equity), a collaborative project between the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Center for Teaching Excellence. The project is focused on LCC faculty and challenges participants to evaluate and challenge their own biases through self-reflection, evidence-based strategies, and peer-to-peer collaboration to modify courses. The goal of the RISE Institute is to improve the student experience through improved teaching.

The award was received by LCC in November from Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (MACRAO) at the 2020 MACRAO conference. The Equity in Education Award is presented annually to people and programs that improve student experiences with higher education in Michigan. This year, The RISE Institute was recognized for its efforts to improve the student experience for underrepresented communities by focusing on engaging the faculty to reevaluate their courses and make changes that would engage more students in diverse learning environments.

Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Tonya Bailey established the RISE Institute to educate faculty on how to create more inclusive classrooms and courses. RISE brings 30 faculty members together every year to provide a space for them to identify and examine their own subconscious biases and identify how those biases can affect students and learning. The participating faculty members then study evidenced-based strategies to improve inclusiveness and work with peers to make adjustments to their courses that will empower the faculty to engage with more students from a variety of backgrounds. Through this method of faculty training, the success of students, particularly those from underrepresented communities, can be expanded. Any faculty member from any discipline is eligible to apply to participate in the two day long, intensive program. Dr. Bailey is hopeful that the RISE initiative will continue to provide a catalyst for change on the campus of LCC. As she noted in a recent release from LCC, "Understanding that this initiative is just the beginning of the journey of equity in education we realize that there is more collaborative work to be done in order for significant progress to occur. I am excited that the Office of Diversity and Inclusion's RISE Institute will play a role for all LCC students, faculty, and staff to succeed."

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