Transfer agreement signed between Kalamazoo Valley and Ferris State

Kalamazoo Valley Community College students will now be able to earn Ferris State University credits at community college rates and will be eligible for special scholarships after completing their associate degree.

Administrators from Ferris State University approached Kalamazoo Valley Community College (KVCC) about establishing a transfer agreement called the Building Pathways Program after noticing a significant number of transfer students from KVCC coming to Ferris and completing bachelor degrees over a five-year period. The new agreement offers students three main benefits. First, while attending KVCC, students will be able to gain Ferris credits at the community college price. Second, students will be granted direct admission to Ferris upon completion of an associate degree program at KVCC. Finally, transfer students will have access to special scholarship opportunities.

The Building Pathways agreement was signed at the Texas Township Campus of KVCC, a specialized facility that offers classes from other partnering colleges, according to a news release from KVCC. Ferris President David L. Eisler noted at the signing, "As we walked your facilities, it's easy to see how our institutions fit together because we have similar programs, and we have similar principles and similar aspirations. We're here to eliminate the institutional barriers so that students can succeed."

This agreement applies specifically to students attending KVCC through the Michigan Reconnect or Future for Frontliners programs, two State of Michigan programs developed to offset the financial impact of the pandemic for Michiganders who lack college degrees. KVCC Provost Paige Eagan, Ph.D. commended the students enrolled under those programs, "We are excited to be able to offer this unique opportunity to Kalamazoo Valley's Future for Frontliners and Michigan Reconnect students. Their frontline service during the height of the pandemic, or their decision to continue their education as an adult learner, is applauded."

Ferris Provost Robert P. Fleischman observed that from 2014 to 2019, 120 KVCC students transferred to Ferris and all earned bachelor degrees. Kalamazoo Valley Community College President L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D emphasized the impact of obtaining college degrees, "We all know being able to attain an associate degree provides an opportunity for students to advance their earning potential. But more so when you are able to receive a bachelor's degree beyond that, it compounds that earning potential."

The Building Pathways program begins in January with the start of the Winter 2022 semester. Students will be able to earn their four-year degrees with a combination of online courses and classes taken at the Texas Township Campus.

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