Programs Led By Western Kentucky University Professors Receive National Award

A local partnership, led by WKU professors, recently received an award from the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools for its work in biodiversity. The partnership between Cloudbridge Nature Preserve and The Gatton Academy works to strengthen STEM education and provides opportunities for students to travel abroad.

On Friday, November 6, the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools (NCSSS) announced the Innovative Partnership Award for the partnership between Cloudbridge Nature Reserve and The Gatton Academy. The award recognizes partnerships that encourage engagement in STEM using inventive methods. Recipients must show a capacity to advance the goals of both organizations and bring STEM education to communities in a way that can be replicated in other communities. The partnership between Cloudbride and Gatton focuses on studying biodiversity research at home and abroad. Programs are led by Western Kentucky University professors.

The partnership between The Gatton Academy and Cloudbridge Nature Reserve began in 2010. The coursework developed and taught by WKU professors Dr. Keith Phillips and Dr. Martin Stone centers on research in biodiversity and over the years has brought 224 students to the nature reserve in Costa Rica for research projects addressing plant and insect diversity and forest regeneration, among other topics with a theme of species diversity and climate change. The first group of 11 students traveled to Costa Rica in 2011 and the program has grown in popularity since then. In 2017 a second yearly trip was added to Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, which is adjacent to Chirripo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The international study aspect is what sets The Gatton Academy apart from many other programs. According to Derick Strode, Assistant Director of Academic Services at The Gratton Academy said in a WKU news article, "It's because we have made international STEM learning part of our student culture. Our partnerships with Cloudbridge and others are known by every Gatton Academy student. Having an experience studying and researching at Cloudbridge is part of what makes the Gatton student experience so special." Nonprofits operating at Cloudbridge have expressed gratitude for the opportunity that the partnership with The Gatton Academy has provided to work with leaders of tomorrow on research and conservation efforts.

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