Upper Valley Career Center named one of the top SkillsUSA programs in the U.S.

The Models of Excellence program recognized UVCC in its annual evaluation of SkillsUSA programs for 2021.

A total of 24 chapters of SkillsUSA were recognized in June by the National Models of Excellence evaluation through the national-level SkillsUSA organization. The Upper Valley Career Center (UVCC) chapter was one of those named in the list of top programs across the country. According to a recent news release from UVCC, the Model of Excellence distinction is the highest honor awarded to chapters of SkillsUSA. SkillsUSA, as described by its website, brings students, teachers, and industry leaders together to develop a robust skilled trades workforce in the U.S. focusing on technical skills as well workplace and personal skills.

In the news release from UVCC, Chelle Travis, executive director of SkillsUSA, described the qualities of top SkillsUSA programs. "Our Models of Excellence represent the very best in chapter achievement and community involvement," Travis said, adding, "These students represent America's future skilled workforce and are future leaders in their local communities. It is a tremendous honor for these chapters and the recognition validates these outstanding SkillsUSA programs."

One project noted in the news release was Operation Christmas Child, in which students donated toys along with food and toiletries to be given to needy children across the world. UVCC said the event improved students' multicultural awareness and sensitivity, a trait important in the modern workplace.

One program that operates under SkillsUSA at UVCC is the junior Medical Careers Academy (MCA), which teaches high school students about various aspects of the medical field. In a separate news release, UVCC announced that the first cohort of students in MCA recently earned industry-recognized credentials in the Elder Care Certificate program. The students earned these credentials during their junior year of high school, enabling them to begin careers as they continue their training in their senior year, set to begin in August.

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