Cannabis Center of Excellence at Lake Superior State University adds new equipment and scholarship opportunities

Students at LSSU's Cannabis Center of Excellence now have access to more high-tech equipment and the first-ever scholarship specifically for those enrolled in the cannabis chemistry program.

The Cannabis Center of Excellence (CCoE) at Lake Superior State University recently announced both the addition of equipment to their chemistry lab and a new scholarship opportunity. The Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC and Ultivo QQQ mass spectrometer, recently installed in the lab, will benefit both cannabis chemistry and environmental science students. The new $1,200 scholarship, specifically for cannabis chemistry majors, is sponsored by Michigan-based cannabis testing company Steadfast Labs

In a news release from LSSU regarding the lab equipment, CCoE faculty explained that the Aligent equipment will provide enhanced chemical analysis of cannabis for residual pesticides and also allow students from the Center for Freshwater Research and Education at LSSU to analyze water sources for pollutants like perfluoroalkoxy alkanes (PFAs). 

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and CCoE Coordinator Benjamin Southwell indicated that the acquisition of the new lab equipment is significant to the development of the department and the university, saying, "This is a game-changer in more than one field The opportunity to enhance our cannabis analysis capabilities and leverage our existing facilities to promote freshwater science is the latest example of the value of the high-impact experiences LSSU is known for."

In a separate news release, LSSU announced the first scholarship designated for students of the CCoE, funded by Steadfast Labs. LSSU President Dr. Rodney S. Hanley said, "This generosity from Steadfast Labs is the latest example how our Cannabis Center of Excellence continues to pave the way in this discipline. The scholarship reinforces key components of our vision statement: being vanguard-focused and driving social mobility. Our growing relationship with Steadfast Labs additionally furthers numerous parts of our strategic plan, including enhancing academic offerings, positioning cannabis studies as a national leader of academic inquiry, and bolstering community partnerships."

Avram Zallen, founder and CEO of Steadfast Labs, told CNN in an interview about the scholarship, "We're committed to encouraging and supporting the best scientific talent. We believe that education is the key to raising the level of safety and integrity in the industry -- education of the consumer and education within the industry."

The CCoE opened in 2020, shortly after the university started offering cannabis-related degrees in 2019. Lake Superior State University also offers a degree in cannabis business.

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