Inaugural Blazers Give Day at Vincennes University raised funds for student scholarships and more

The Blazers Give Day event engaged participants in online giving, social media engagement, and campus-based activities, raising money for scholarships and academic program development with the help of students, parents, faculty, employees, and alumni.

Organized by the Vincennes University Foundation, the first-ever Blazers Give Day took place on April 8. Activities on the campus of Vincennes University were accompanied by online giving events and a social media campaign. Donors were able to direct their giving to the programs of their choice and were encouraged to interact with VU on social media with selfies and hashtags. By the end of the event, VU President Dr. Chuck Johnson announced that Blazers Give Day would become an annual event.

The event was recalled in a news release from VU a day after taking place. Donors who made it to campus were encouraged to pose for photographs at the Blazers Give Day tent on campus where people could drop off donations and see thank you notes written by scholarship recipients. Donors who gave online were encouraged to engage on social media to promote giving. Prior to the event, the Vincennes University Foundation recruited community members to become "Blazers Give Ambassadors" to help call attention to the event on social media. 

People from all parts of the Vincennes University community came together, either in-person or virtually, for a day of fundraising which allowed donors to make gifts directly to specific programs, or to give to the Blazers Give Fund, a general fund developed this year. VU President Dr. Chuck Johnson explained, "The Blazers Give Fund was introduced as a new effort for unrestricted funds to support the greatest needs for our students and programs. Your generosity, outreach, and overall engagement were inspiring, and we are grateful to you for being the spark that advances our mission."

Students also took an important role in the events of the day. Those living in residential halls participated in a Penny War challenge, with pennies collected being donated to the Blazers Give Fund. A food drive was also organized which donated a shopping cart full of donations to Sandy's Pantry, which in turn passes out food to students in need. Student groups got in on the act as well, with the VU Ag Club donating the remainder of funds it was able to raise this year. As Agribusiness Program Chair Susan Brocksmith noted, "In this year of COVID-19, the club was not able to do as many activities as we usually do. Therefore the decision was made to donate the money that was raised to the VU Foundation to help the future endeavors of our students."

The Vincennes University Foundation organized Blazers Give Day and its Executive Director of Institutional Advancement, Kristi Deetz, made a statement to donors at the event, "On behalf of Vincennes University and the Vincennes University Foundation, thank you to all who helped us make Blazers Give Day a success. Your generosity and support truly make a difference in lives and ensures a strong future for VU with the impact of giving being felt for generations."

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