Northwest State Community College presented with record breaking donation from NSCC Foundation

In a year that has seen more financial need than ever, the NSCC Foundation reached out to the community to ensure it could help as many students as possible.

Administrators at Northwest State Community College accepted the largest single check ever from the NSCC Foundation on December 11, 2020. The check for $818,356 was presented by NSCC Foundation Board Chair Peter Beck at a meeting of the Northwest State Community College board. In addition to the check presented to the college, the NSCC Foundation has also awarded over $650,000 in foundation scholarships and over $500,000 in additional scholarships and grants given directly to students for immediate needs like food and rent.

Much of the funds came from donations from community members. Northwest State Community College President Dr. Michael Thomson praised the community for the support of the college and its students, "We are so proud of the northwest Ohio residents who donated to our students in their most pressing time of need. Now, more than ever, every scholarship and emergency assistance dollar make a crucial difference as we help our students overcome incredible barriers to reach their educational dreams of a better life." In keeping with the stated commitment to students, Dr. Thomson also praised the financial aid team at Northwest State Community College, "Our financial aid team works with our students in debt resulting in a student loan default rate—12%—that is four points lower than the Ohio community college average. Our recent commitment to Achieving the Dream is leveling the playing field so that every resident in northwest Ohio has an equal chance to use our education to better their lives."

The NSCC Foundation has been raising funds for students of Northwest State Community College since 1978. It has awarded over $3 million to students over the last 10 years.

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