State Board names Auburn Career Center instructor District 7 Teacher of the Year

Manufacturing teacher Terry Colescott has been officially recognized as an excellent educator by the Ohio State Board of Education for his contributions to students, community, and local business.

Terry Colescott is the Advanced Manufacturing teacher at Auburn Career Center and has been a machinist for over 25 years. Recently, Colescott was named district 7 Teacher of the Year by the state school board. His colleagues and students appreciate his technical expertise and his impact on the lies of students and the business community.

The Ohio Teacher of the Year Award is granted to teaching professionals that make a significant impact on their students and communities through their knowledge and collaboration with peers, students, and their families. Teachers can be nominated by administrators, fellow teachers, parents, students and community members. Colescott's nomination emphasized his ability to engage with students and challenge them to find their talents and guide them along their educational journeys.

Colescott has impacted his students and communities with a 90 percent rate of placement into well paying jobs by graduation. In a recent release from the school, Auburn Career Center Superintendent Dr. Brian Bontempo said of Colescott, "Teachers like Terry make a huge impact; not only for students and families, but for businesses and industries by preparing students to be career ready."

In his acceptance, Colescott thanked those who helped him become the educator that he is, "I would be remiss if I didn't recognize and thank my colleagues at Auburn as well as our administration and our Board of Education because they've all supported me and taught me so many things about being a good teacher and how to best serve our students. I could not do this without them. Lastly, I want to thank my parents, my students and their families. They motivate me to do the best job I can every day."

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