Monroe County Community College sees double-digit percentage increases in enrollment

Enrollment at Monroe County Community College increased this year by 11.2 percent with administrators crediting two State of Michigan programs which are providing financial assistance for college as part of the government response to COVID-19.

With enrollment numbers at Monroe County Community College (MCCC) up by 278 students in the fall semester, as compared to one year ago, the college has the second-highest percentage increase among community colleges in Michigan. The figures were shared in a news release from MCCC which also states that the number of credit hours taken by students is up seven percent in the fall semester. Officials from MCCC point to two State of Michigan programs as the major drive behind the increases. 

Futures for Frontliners is a program meant to reward workers who held jobs in essential industries during the statewide shutdown in spring 2020 due to COVID-19. The program requirements state that Michigan residents who held those jobs for at least eleven of the thirteen weeks of the shutdown and who do not possess an associate or bachelor's degree are eligible. Recipients are able to attend community colleges and certificate programs tuition-free. Michigan Reconnect is geared toward residents 25 or older who do not have an associate or bachelor's degree. Reconnect promises to pay the balance of tuition for students after other financial assistance options are exhausted. 

Dr. Scott Behrens is vice president for enrollment management and student success at MCCC and said of the spike in enrollment, "It's not surprising to us to see these increases this semester. Our staff, faculty and partners in the community have worked very hard to make sure area residents are aware of the state's Michigan Reconnect scholarship program. In fact, MCCC has one of the highest levels of participation in Michigan Reconnect in the state."

President of the college, Dr. Kojo Quartey, also applauded the staff at MCCC, "The work behind the scenes has been incredible, and we are grateful for the opportunities offered by the state's Frontliner and Reconnect programs – those have made a critical difference. Even with the state and the nation still battling COVID-19, we are very glad to see that students are persevering toward their higher education and career goals and have selected MCCC for that journey."

While the time to apply for the Future for Frontliners program has passed, Michigan Reconnect is still open to applicants with no deadline set at this time.

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