Professional Formula DRIFT driver visits University of Northwestern Ohio

Rome Charpentier recently visited the campus of UNOH thanks to two students who work on his crew. Charpentier toured the facilities, did a demonstration of his driving skills, and commended both the students and programs at the university.

Jackson Orr and Jack Reusch, two students at the University of Northwestern Ohio (UNOH), are part of the crew for Formula DRIFT driver Rome Charpentier. Impressed with their knowledge and work, Charptentier flew the pair to Florida for a race in June and in July he visited the campus of UNOH because he was curious to see where they are learning about engine mechanics. A recent news release from the university details Charpentier's visit and his impression of the campus.

According to his profile on the Formula DRIFT website, Charpentier has had a notable career in driving, working as a stunt rider in Japan at age 18 and eventually transitioning to drifting by age 30, then going on to win two championships by age 32. In the news release from UNOH, Charpentier spoke highly of Orr and Reusch in regards to the work they have done on his Formula DRIFT crew. "They're not even graduated yet. They are extremely knowledgeable. Probably better than 50% of the people I've worked with on other teams," he said.

After working with Orr and Reusch, Charpentier arranged to visit the UNOH campus in Lima, curious to see the facilities at which the two students gained their skills. Charpentier noted that he was impressed by the size and scale of the engine rooms on campus: "You guys have full engine rooms, not just one engine room, but how to fully assemble engines top to bottom." He went on to say, "I think a lot of the schools, they show, 'Hey, look at all the fancy stuff we have.' But you get to watch it or watch a teacher do it versus here, everyone's doing it hands-on and the welding is insane because you guys are actually welding for an application, not just welding for just random welding."

Along with the tour of the university, Charpentier performed a demonstration of his drifting skills for students. He also talked with students, many of whom are involved in the Autocross Club on campus, about getting started in drifting and finding success in the field.

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