New survey reveals that almost 97% of IU Southeast graduates are either employed or continuing their studies

The survey questioned graduates from the 2019-2020 year on their activity within the first year of graduating from Indiana University Southeast, finding that 96.7% were employed, in graduate school, or performing military service.

Indiana University Southeast officials are analyzing data gathered from the IU First Destination Survey, conducted by the Campus Career Services office, the Office of Completion and Student Success, and University Institutional Research and Reporting. The information will be used to help administrators design programs at the college in response to employment trends. While this year's numbers show a slight decrease in employment rates among recent grads, officials acknowledge that the uncertainty of the last year had an impact, but say that the overall trend is one of job growth and stability.

With over 76% of graduates responding, the survey found that 85.4% were employed, the vast majority in a full-time position, according to a news release from the university. The average salary of those in full-time positions is $42,824, which the university reports is over double the average student loan debt upon graduation. Figures were collected from the survey, along with departmental reports and social media profiles.

Director of the IU Southeast Career Development Center, Donna Reed, noted that although the employment numbers are down slightly from the time period surveyed, employers are now aggressively recruiting employees. "Our employers want employees, jobs are prevalent, and employers are competing in ways we have not seen in recent history. Now is the time for people to start or scale-up in careers, and take advantage of the salaries and benefits plans being offered," Reed advised.

Reed also commented on how the data provided by the survey helps the university to gauge the value that IU Southeast offers to students, and helps to shape plans for various programs and departments. "This data collection holds us accountable for the value we represent in each student's life as well as our community. Knowing that our students are achieving their dreams and their goals helps substantiate the value of college degrees as well as the quality of programming IU Southeast offers," Reed said.

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