New IU report published in collaboration with Indiana University Northwest points out the economic importance of nonprofits

Researchers from Indiana University and Indiana University Northwest collaborated on a study which concluded that nonprofits in the region provide economic growth along with well-paying jobs.

Contributions from Indiana University Northwest researchers provided evidence for a recently published report which concludes, among other things, that nonprofits in the northwest region of Indiana contribute significantly to economic vitality and provide growing employment opportunities. A news release from IU Northwest provides some details about the report's findings which reviewed almost two decades worth of data. The conclusions of the study, according to administrators at IU Northwest, will help the University to focus on programs that complement the economic growth brought by nonprofits.

The report is part of a larger study that analyzed the impact of nonprofits on the Indiana economy, broken down by region. The Northwest region is defined as encompassing Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Porter, Pulaski, and Stark counties. Nonprofit sectors are defined as education, healthcare, social assistance, and arts, entertainment, and recreation (AER). According to the report, 11% of all paid employees in the region (around 33,000) work for a nonprofit.

Among those employees, 63% work in the healthcare industry, with the rest distributed between social assistance, education, AER, and other industries. The study also found that in fields that are considered part of the nonprofit sector, nonprofit employees earn on average more than their counterparts that work for for-profit employers, with the exception of arts, entertainment, and recreation.

IU Northwest Chancellor Ken Iwama said in the news release, "This report confirms the vital role that nonprofits play in creating a more prosperous region and a better quality of life for all who live here. As an anchor institution for Northwest Indiana, the impact and success of regional nonprofits is very important to us." Iwana went on to say, "Community engagement is a cornerstone of the IU Northwest mission and we are eager to continue partnering with local nonprofits on community-based research and other collaborative opportunities to ensure that our region thrives."

The Indiana Nonprofits Project is a joint project led by Indiana University O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. The long-term collaborative project seeks to better understand the role of nonprofits as employers and drivers of economic growth, with a goal of helping community leaders craft policies to benefit their communities.

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