University of Rio Grande announces 27% tuition decrease

The Affordability Plan was announced in May and includes lower tuition and student housing rates. University of Rio Grande also announced the expansion of student support services.

Administrators at the University of Rio Grande recently announced that tuition rates and student housing costs will be lowered in an effort to make four-year degrees more accessible. The announcement also promised that student support services will be expanded to improve rates of retention and student success. The Affordability Plan also aims to give families a clearer understanding about the costs of attending the university.

A May 1 news release from the university provided details of the Affordability Plan. The tuition rates are decreasing to $19,400 from $26,810 while boarding fees for students living in campus housing will drop to $10,500 from $11,166. University of Rio Grande President Ryan Smith said the Affordability Plan will increase access to a four-year degree for area students. "This will be life-changing for many and transforming for our region," Smith said, adding, "The new plan will allow students to continue towards their bachelor's if they want. This will inevitably bring a stronger workforce to our region as well."

In addition to the tuition and housing cost decreases, the university is promising investment in services that will support student success and university retention rates. A new Dean of Student Services has been hired, along with three success coaches, who will work with all new students to ease their transition to college life and continue to offer support along their higher education journey. The university also announced the development of a new Learning Commons area, increased tutoring resources, and a program to loan laptops to students. 

According to Chief Operating Officer Rebecca Long, the changes signify a rethinking of student support services. "We are redefining our approach to student success. Many in our region want to obtain a degree but life outside of the classroom can feel very overwhelming," Long explained. She elaborated, saying, "We are offering holistic support to students, meaning we are developing strategies to support the entire student, not just the classroom learner. This Appreciative Advising Model will meet students where they are and offer support to get them where they want to be. Those supports may range from food insecurities to locating childcare assistance and offering mental health support. We are focusing on the entire student."

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