Student teachers at the Purdue Fort Wayne's School of Education now able to accept substitute teacher assignments and get paid

A recent policy shift at Purdue University's Fort Wayne campus will permit student teachers to work as substitutes at area schools and get compensated. The rule change benefits both student teachers and local districts struggling to fill substitute teacher roles.

Purdue University Fort Wayne recently followed the lead of Purdue University's main campus in West Lafayette by adjusting a long-standing policy that did not allow student teachers enrolled in its School of Education to accept paid teaching positions. Specifically, student teachers will be permitted to substitute teach for up to ten consecutive days for the supervising teacher with whom they are already working. The change is designed to benefit student teachers by allowing them to get paid while gaining valuable experience, and to help local school districts which often struggle to find qualified substitute teachers.

According to a news release published this month by Purdue Fort Wayne, the policy change at both campuses was prompted by the pandemic. Superintendent of Fort Wayne Community Schools, Mark Daniel, welcomed the change, saying, "By allowing student teachers to receive sub pay when filling in for their supervising teacher, we are acknowledging and facilitating their growing expertise in the classroom, and it allows for continuity of instruction with a teacher the students already know. Letting students serve as a substitute for up to 10 days can help all the local districts address that shortage."

So far, in the month since the change has been made, only four student teachers have received official approval to take part in the revised rules, but administrators expect more could be approved soon. Senior education student Mackenzie Snider noted, "As a student teacher, you are constantly building your tool bag and substitute teaching adds quite a number of experiences and tools to that bag. Not to mention, after not being able to work, being paid here and there is very nice and appreciated greatly!"

Isabel Nuñez, director of Purdue Fort Wayne's School of Education, said of the change, "We knew our school partners were struggling with needing subs, so when we heard about Purdue's move, we wanted to do the same," adding, "Student teachers pay full tuition for the experience of working full-time under the guidance of a mentor teacher – they do not get paid. I love that this provides an opportunity for our students to both help their schools and make a financially challenging semester a little easier."

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