DeVry University Indiana to fund STEM lab for Boys & Girls Club of Elgin

A new Clubhouse is being built for the Boys & Girls Club of Elgin which will feature a STEM lab sponsored by DeVry University and provide volunteer opportunities for DeVry students, faculty, and alumni.

The Boys & Girls Club of Elgin recently broke ground on a new 20,000 square foot Clubhouse which will serve over 250 children in the area, providing meals, activities, and education. Part of those educational services will include a STEM lab sponsored by DeVry University Indiana. When the Clubhouse opens in 2022, the STEM lab will be a place for students, faculty, and alumni of DeVry University Indiana to volunteer to work with kids in the program.

A news release from DeVry University Indiana explains that in exchange for the financial sponsorship of the STEM lab, the university will get sole naming rights along with permanent signage at the Clubhouse. The STEM lab will provide education for students from kindergarten through eighth grade. This access to high-tech education is something that Tom Monahan, President and CEO of DeVry University, said is becoming increasingly important.

"The pandemic has worked to rapidly accelerate the digital nature of the economy – and with that, created huge demand for the skills needed to thrive in tech enabled careers," Monahan said. "At DeVry, we must help prepare the next generations with digital readiness skills to succeed in the future workforce. We know it is crucial for children and teens in South Elgin – and across the nation -- to have access to the opportunities that a STEM Lab will provide and help open their minds to potential careers in tech. Our partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Elgin is an opportunity to do just that. We look forward to welcoming Club members when the STEM Lab opens."

CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Elgin, Cathay Russell, spoke about how the support from DeVry University will help prepare children for the future. "The Boys & Girls Club of Elgin is committed to enriching the lives of youth in the surrounding area through its range of programs and initiatives," Russell stated. "The Club is well positioned to prepare young people for 21st-century success through its 26 plus years of experience serving at-risk youth in the Elgin area, dedicated social/emotional resilience training, mentorship programs, focus on skills development in STEM and the arts, and workforce development initiatives. It is through strong community partnerships, like the one with DeVry University, who has a national footprint and is demonstrating its roots in Illinois, that makes continuing our mission in South Elgin possible."

The Boys & Girls Club of Elgin is continuing to raise money for the new Clubhouse and is currently at $3.9 million of its $4.5 million goal.

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