Rhodes State College awarded $161,200 grant for campus safety

A grant from the Ohio Department of Education and the Department of Public Safety to Rhodes State will fund the installation of an electronic locking system for the doors of buildings on the main campus, plus an upgraded radio communication system.

A new system of electronic locks will be installed at Rhodes State College thanks to a Campus Safety Grant from the Ohio Department of Education and the Department of Public Safety. Rhodes State was awarded $161,200 for the new secure entrance system and for an upgrade to the radio communications system used to coordinate security between the main campus and the Borra Center for the Health Sciences. The electronic locks will be installed on both external and internal doors and will allow the buildings to be locked down in case of any imminent threat, according to a news release from the college.

Randy Gardner, Chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education, wrote a letter to Rhodes State College which was quoted in the news release. "On behalf of the State of Ohio and the Department of Higher Education, I want to congratulate Rhodes State College on being awarded a capital Campus Safety Grant. Your engagement in the Campus Safety Grant Program will help improve the overall physical security and safety of public campuses throughout Ohio," Gardner wrote.

President Cynthia Spiers of Rhodes State expressed gratitude for the grant, saying, "We applaud Governor DeWine for his advocacy of this statewide Campus Safety Grant Program. His support shows a clear focus on ensuring safety at Ohio's college campuses. This grant will help Rhodes State make several critical security improvements for the safety of our students and employees."

Dr. Spiers also released a separate statement to the Rhodes State College community which emphasized the importance of prioritizing campus safety with the start of a new academic year. "In 2021, welcoming students for a new school year takes on added meaning and responsibility. In addition to preparing all of our students to be productive members of the workforce, we continue to work diligently to keep our students, staff, and families safe in the campus environment," Spiers wrote.

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