Central Ohio Technical College selects two instructors for annual Teaching Excellence Awards

The annual Teaching Excellence Awards from Central Ohio Technical College recognize one full-time and one part-time faculty member. This year's recipients represent the nursing program and the English and communication department.

Central Ohio Technical College recently announced the recipients of the 2020-2021 Teaching Excellence Awards. Each year, one full-time and one part-time instructor are recognized by the college. Students nominate teachers and a committee of faculty members makes the final decision.

Susan Cooperider, EdD, RN is a full-time assistant professor at COTC who has been teaching at the college since 2015. Cooperider also started her educational journey at COTC, graduating in 1996 and earning the designation of Outstanding Nursing Student of her graduating class. After moving on to receive advanced degrees, Cooperider says it felt right to return to COTC to teach. Speaking about her experience as an assistant professor at the college, Cooperider said, "I work with a group of professionals who make me feel humbled every day. We are here for students; I love that what is best for students drives program and college decision making. The proactive approach to student success through rich campus resources and policy is outstanding and effective."

Many students offered comments on Cooperider as a teacher, noting her enthusiasm for teaching and ability to provide empathetic feedback. One said, "She is an instructor that really makes you love what you are learning and always motivates you to do better by telling you kind words and encouraging you all the time."

The other Teaching Excellence Award went to part-time instructor Joseph McGregor, who teaches Composition I, Composition II, and Technical Writing classes. McGregor explained his teaching style: "I use a 'see one, do one and teach one' style like what used to be taught as surgical practice method. So, students see and hear the methods through lecture and then students collaborate by sharing writing and working on revisions together. I picked this method up as a U.S. Army medic, and it allows me to work with the student despite whether they are kinesthetic, audible or visual learners, and they learn by a method that works for them while touching on the material in three different ways."

Nominations for McGregor noted his flexibility in adapting to the virtual environment for learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. One student commented on McGregor's attributes as a teacher, saying, "Joseph McGregor has a great attitude for all Zoom classes. He has gone out of his way to help myself and other students. Overall, Joseph McGregor has made my first college experience wonderful!"

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