Montcalm Community College announces new strategic plan for engaging students and community members

Administrators at MCC have unveiled a three-year strategic plan that emphasizes increased enrollment, improved student success, facility enhancement, and community engagement.

The strategic plan was developed by Montcalm Community College through a coordinated effort between representatives from the college and the community. The plan includes a new mission statement and a four-pronged approach to improving the college and its impact on the community. Strategies are being developed to increase enrollment, improve rates of degree completion among students, improve and enhance college facilities, and participate in more community outreach programs. 

In a recent news release, the new mission statement of MCC was revealed, "Transforming lives through quality education." The goals outlined in the plan are expanded upon in the release. The goal of increasing enrollment is the foundation upon which the other goals can be achieved. The college states it will be reviewing the courses and degrees offered to ensure they align with the needs of potential students in the community. The next goal of improving student outcomes will be an approach centered on support mechanisms needed by students. As explained by Montcalm Community College President, Dr. Stacy H. Young, "We're working on developing a concierge service to support our students throughout their college journey. We are also focusing on improving diversity, equity and inclusion through curriculum, training and community engagement."

As part of the goal of enhancing facilities, MCC is working on plans to renovate the Kenneth J. Smith Instructional Building, enhance the sustainability of college operations, and explore the potential for student housing. The final goal, community engagement, aims to improve community relationships, grow fundraising opportunities, locate grant opportunities for projects beneficial to the community, and to educate community members on the value Montcalm Community College brings to the area. As Dr. Young elaborated, "We know a lot of us are doing a lot with community engagement already, but we want to do more. So, we are challenging our employees and students to help us achieve 10,000 hours of volunteer service in our communities by the end of the year." In addition to the volunteer service goals, MCC also announced an essay contest for employees which challenges them to share personal stories about how MCC has helped transform either their lives or the lives of people they know. A randomly selected winner will receive an iPad.

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